How To Determine the Value of a Toronto Condo Investment
When investing in the booming Toronto condo market, you never…

How To Maximize the Return On A Pre-Construction Condo Investment
In 2016, we saw the cost of renting a condo in the GTA rise by…

When does a lawyer get involved in the pre-construction condo purchase?
It is advisable to retain a lawyer at the very beginning, before…

Why Do I Need to Provide My SIN Number When I Purchase a Condo?
The deposits that you put down to purchase a pre-construction…

What is the process to Purchase at the beginning of a new condominium launch with a Platinum Agent?
Below are the (typical) steps involved in purchasing a suite…

What is the 10 Day Rescission Period?
The Rescission Period is also referred to as the “Cooling Off…

At what point do I need to get a Mortgage when buying Pre-Construction Condos?
A mortgage is not required until final possession which is typically…

What is a Platinum Agent?
Question: What is a Platinum Agent?
Platinum Agent is an industry…

What are the stages of a New Condo Launch?
Question: What are the stages of a New Condo Launch?
It is…

Where is Pre-Construction Condominium Investing Popular?
Question: Where is Pre-Construction Condominium Investing Popular?

What is a "Condo Worksheet"?
Question: What is a "Condo Worksheet"
A worksheet is a term…

What are development charges or development levies?
Question: What are development charges or development levies?…

What are Occupancy Fees?
Question: What are Occupancy Fees?
The occupancy period is…

What happens to my money if the project fails?
Question: What happens to my money if the project fails?

Do all agents have the same access to New Condo Projects?
Question: Do all agents have the same access to New Condo Projects?

Do I have to come up with the deposit all at the same time?
Question: Do I have to come up with the deposit all at the same…